At The Swim Vault, we pride ourselves on providing a positive, relaxed and encouraging environment.

We understand swimming can be a daunting experience, regardless of your ability.

Subject to availability 

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Specifically designed to accommodate to the swimmers' specific & individual requirements, needs & goals.

(30 minutes duration)

Gain water confidence & motivate each other by learning & developing an important life skill with a swimming partner.

(30 minutes duration, 2 swimmers required to register  for this programme)

Discover learning to swim in a group environment accompanied by swimmers of a similar swimming competency. The Swim Vault also cater for gender specific groups.

(45 minutes duration)

  • Adult Stage 1 - Be Water Confident

    Expected Core Outcomes:

    1. Understand the benefits of swimming.

    2. Enter the water safely.

    3. From in the water, move along the edge, one hand over the other, towards the steps and climb out.

    4. Be at ease walking around within the pool.

    5. Be at ease with water on the face.

    6. Regain an upright position from on the front with support.

    7. Regain an upright position from on the back with support.

    8. Perform a flat, stretched front floating position, holding on to the side of the pool or with support from a partner or instructor.

    9. Perform a flat, stretched floating position on the back with support from a partner or instructor.

    10. Whilst standing, inhale and then exhale with nose and mouth submerged.

    11. Within standing depth with feet on the floor, submerge the head.

    12. Inhale and, with the face submerged, exhale. Repeat rhythmically a minimum of three times.

    13. Push and glide to the wall or a partner with the use of floatation equipment, maintaining a streamlined position on the front with the face submerged.

    14. Push and glide from the wall with the use of floatation equipment, maintaining a streamlined position on the back.

    15. Perform a flat, stretched front floating position, with the use of floatation equipment but without support from a partner or instructor.

    16. Perform a flat, stretched floating position on the back with the use of floatation equipment but without support from a partner or swim instructor.

    17. In a flat position and with the use of floatation equipment, travel 10 metres on front.

    18. In a flat position and with the use of floatation equipment, travel 10 metres on back.

    Additional outcome:

    19. With the use of floatation equipment, perform on the back a head first sculling action in a flat position.

  • Adult Stage 2 - Be A Swimmer

    Expected Core Outcomes:

    1. Regain an upright position from on the back without support.

    2. Regain an upright positon from on the front without support.

    3. Push from the wall without the use of floatation equipment, maintaining a streamlined position on the front.

    4. Push from the wall without the use of floatation equipment, maintaining a streamlined position on the back.

    5. In a flat position, with the use of floatation equipment, kick 10 metres on the front.

    6. In a flat position, without the use of floatation equipment, kick for 10 metres on the back.

    7. In a flat position, using an alternating leg kick, with floatation equipment, roll 180 degrees from back to front.

    8. In a flat position, using an alternating leg kick, with floatation equipment, roll 180 degrees from front to back.

    9. Push and glide from the wall on side.

    10. Submerge to pick up an object from the pool floor.

    11. In a flat position, without the use of floatation equipment, travel 10 metres on the front.

    12. Swim 10 metres on the front, choice of stroke is optional.

    13. Swim 10 metres on the back.

    14. Swim 15 metres, choice of stroke is optional.

    15. Swim 25 metres, choice of stroke is optional.

    16. Within at least shoulder-depth water and with the use of floatation equipment, in an upright position use legs to gain lift (using a variety of leg actions including egg beater, flutter and breaststroke).

    17. Within shoulder-depth water using floatation equipment, in an upright position, scull the hands.

    18. Within shoulder-depth water, without floatation equipment, tread water for 30 seconds. Swimmer's choice of leg action.

    Additional outcomes:

    19. Perform the Heat Escape Lessening Position and Huddle position. Exit the water without using steps.

    20. Jump in, at least full reach depth, and return to the point of entry.

    21. Without the use of floatation equipment, scull head first for 5 metres.

    22. Perform a tuck float without the use of floatation equipment.

    Adult Distance Awards: 5, 10 & 25 metres 

  • Adult Stage 3 - Be A Better Swimmer

    Expected Core Outcomes:

    1. Swim front crawl to include at least six rhythmical breaths.

    2. Swim breaststroke to include at least six rhythmical breaths.

    3. Swim a distance of 50 metres using two different strokes.

    4. Sink, push and glide, transition into two dolphin kicks, into swim.

    5. Swim 50 metres front crawl.

    6. Swim 50 metres backstroke.

    7. Swim 50 metres breaststroke.

    8. Tread water for one minute.

    9. Understand lane etiquette.

    10. Perform a feet first surface dive.

    11. Perform a head first surface dive.

    12. Complete 400 metre swim (16 lengths in a 25 metre pool).

    Additional outcomes:

    13. Perform a sitting dive.

    14. Perform a forward somersault.

    15. Scull 5 metres head first and then return feet first without touching the pool floor.

    16. From a straddle entry, tread water for two minutes.

    17. Swim 25 metres butterfly.

    Adult Distance Awards: 50, 100 & 200 metres 

  • Adult Stage 4 - Be A Master Swimmer

    Expected Core Outcomes:

    1. Understand the importance of hydration.

    2. Understand lane etiquette/ use of backstroke flags and pace clock.

    3. Perform a front crawl tumble turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.

    4. Perform a backstroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.

    5. Perform a breaststroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.

    6. Perform a butterfly turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.

    7. Kick 25 metres front crawl with/ without using a kickboard.

    8. Kick 25 metres backstroke without using a kickboard.

    9. Kick 25 metres breaststroke with/ without using a kickboard.

    10. Kick 25 metres butterfly without using a kickboard.

    11. Swim a continuous 100 metres individual medley using legal turns.

    12. Perform a 15 metres underwater butterfly kick on front in a streamlined position.

    13. Perform a backstroke start into butterfly kick in a streamlined position, under water, up to 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into full stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.

    14. Perform a front crawl/butterfly start from a dive, kick in a streamlined position until up to 15 metres from the start point (wall) is completed. Transfer into full stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.

    15. Perform a breaststroke start, perform a pull under water, transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.

    16. Swim continuously using any stroke for 30 minutes.

    17. Swim 25 metres front crawl finishing with a one-handed touch.

    18. Swim 25 metres backstroke finishing with a one-handed touch on the back.

    19. Swim 25 metres breaststroke or butterfly, finishing by touching with both hands simultaneously.

    Adult Distance Awards: 800 metres & 1 mile

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