Terms & Conditions:


  • To pay a non-refundable 50% deposit upon successful approval of your registration to secure your / your child’s place (via BACS transfer & to include the swimmer’s forename & surname in the reference field of your payment).
  • To pay the remaining balance in full at least 1 week prior to the start of the upcoming term following the same procedure as above (unless in the event of extenuating circumstances subject to the approval of The Swim Vault).
  • Should you wish to pay in full, 50% of the full amount will be considered as the non-refundable deposit.
  • Agree that successfully completing registration formalities indicates your commitment to the full swimming term at The Swim Vault regardless of absence due to illness, family events, adverse weather conditions, travel disruptions or travel, with no refund, credit issue or make up availability (unless authorised by The Swim Vault).
  • Agree that The Swim Vault does not provide pay as you go session/s or one off trial sessions.
  • Understanding that failure to register in advance for the next term (prior to the end of the current term & paying a non-refundable 50% deposit upon successful approval of your registration application) may result in losing your / your child’s place as the slot will be available for resale.
  • Approved registrations after the start of term will be dependent on availability and charged on a pro rata basis.

Attendance & Lateness:

  • Agree that the swimming lesson is to be attended by the registered individual only & cannot be transferred or shared with any other individual/s.
  • To adhere to arriving at the swimming venue in a timely manner of up to, but no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the lesson time in the correct swimming attire (excluding jewellery) & to leave within 15 minutes at the end of the lesson.
  • Understanding that swimmers are to access pool side no more than 2 minutes prior to the start time of their swimming lesson for health & safety reasons & to ensure arrival in the correct attire with equipment if required.
  • To adhere to the changing room policy where children aged 8 & below can use either the male or female changing room, the parent / carer / guardian accompanying the child will be the determining factor on which changing room to use. For instance, if a female up to & including the age of 8 is accompanied by a male parent / carer / guardian, they will be required to use the male changing room. If a male up to & including the age of 8 is accompanied by a female parent / carer / guardian, they will be required to use the female changing room. Both female & male children aged 9 & above are required to use the respective changing room & are to be accompanied by a parent / guardian / carer of the same sex.
  • Parents / Carers / Guardians of children must stay on the premises & remain contactable throughout the duration of the swimmer’s lesson from start to end & ensure the swimmer is both dropped off & collected from pool side on time. No child will be released until they are collected by their appointed responsible adult / parent / carer / guardian.
  • As a parent / carer / guardian to refrain from entering onto pool side during the lesson time unless for allocated spectatorship or instructed otherwise (with appropriate footwear e.g flip flops, sliders and no outdoor shoes).
  • Pool and spectatorship rules are to be always adhered to by all whilst on the premises.
  • Understanding that if the swimmer is more than 10 minutes late to a lesson, their attendance for the remainder of the lesson will be at the discretion of their instructor. If the swimmer is late on three separate occasions in a single term; this may result in the cancellation of their remaining lessons in the current term without refund / make up lesson / credit issue. Attendance & lateness for all swimmers is recorded.


  • The Swim Vault will deliver prestigious bespoke swimming lessons of an exceptional quality & standard where the key achievements are in alignment with & reflect the Swim England framework & core outcomes.
  • Delivery of swimming lessons by proficient, committed & highly qualified instructors both from the pool side and / or within the swimming pool, providing verbal instructions, visual demonstrations & support when necessary.
  • Provide bespoke swimming lessons inclusive of swimmers of all abilities & swimmers with any additional needs.
  • Supply a competent cover instructor in the event of absence of your regular instructor with no make up lesson, issue of refund / credit provided in such circumstances.
  • Manage small group sizes & provide the best possible service, that said The Swim Vault does not offer make up lessons or issue a refund / credit for any missed or unattended lessons at present (including absences due to illness, family events, adverse weather conditions, travel disruptions or travel - unless authorised by The Swim Vault).
  • The Swim Vault are against & do not partake in forced submersions. Submersions are always introduced & performed in a safe, supervised, mutually comfortable & healthy manner with the sole intent to build water confidence & to better manage aquatic breathing.
  • All swimmers are fairly assessed by a qualified instructor to ensure the swimmer is in the correct stage which truly reflects their swimming competency. The instructor will only progress the swimmer to the next stage once their swimming technique, stamina & proficiency has improved & the swimmer has wholly met, can undertake & demonstrate the respective stage criteria (inclusive of both core skills & distance in no particular order) confidently, competently & to a good standard. The Swim Vault reserve the right to assess & adjust the swimmer’s stage as necessary.
  • Acknowledge that in the event of an emergency, a member of staff of the opposite gender / sex may be present to assist the emergency (also applicable to gender specific programmes).
  • In the event of an emergency, classes may be required to be paused so the emergency can be dealt with for the health and safety of all. In such instances the duration in which the lessons have been paused, will not be made up or compensated.

Training & Development:

  • Ensure instructors continuously undertake training, CPDs & that all Swim Vault staff are enhanced DBS checked.

Communication & Contact:

  • Contact you upon successful approval of your / your child's registration, supplying you with the necessary details required to progress with & complete the booking with confirmation/s via email or WhatsApp / Message.
  • Provide you with current fees prior to / upon successful approval of your registration. The Swim Vault reserves the right to amend prices as required to which you will be informed .
  • Contact you prior to the end of the current term reminding you to register onto the next term to secure your / your child’s place.
  • The Swim Vault reserves the right to refuse registration or participation to the swimming lessons in the event any health concerns are identified on the registration form or otherwise, unless a medical letter is provided to The Swim Vault from the swimmer’s doctor / health care professional approving their attendance & participation in such swimming lessons for the registered term.
  • To refrain from contacting and assisting the instructor on pool side & to instead forward any questions, queries, or feedback directly to The Swim Vault either before or after a lesson; via email / the enquiry form via The Swim Vault website, the business contact number via WhatsApp / Messages.


  • Treat the security of your and / or your child’s personal data with utmost importance. The Swim Vault will only process such data as is necessary for the provision or administration of the service & in adherence to current GDPR regulations & legislations.
  • To maintain records of attendance, lateness, progress, achievement & certification awarded to the swimmer by the instructor.
  • Have a duty of care to safeguard from harm & protect all children & young individuals attending the venue and / or participating in swimming lessons as well as protecting all adults at risk of abuse & safeguard their welfare, irrespective of age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion, belief & sexual orientation. The Swim Vault will record instances of such events & will report all safeguarding concerns to the relevant bodies as required.
  • For adherence to good practice around safeguarding, The Swim Vault requires an adult chaperone to be present throughout the duration of the virtual lessons where the learner is under 18 years of age as a compulsory clause. The Swim Vault reserves the right to cancel the lesson with no refund , credit issue or make up session if this is not adhered to. Please note virtual lessons are to be paid in full prior to the first lesson and upon receiving registration confirmation message.
  • Agree that The Swim Vault will not be held responsible or liable for any lost or damaged possessions or valuables.
  • Understanding that filming & photography is strictly prohibited by all at The Swim Vault unless authorised.

Make up lesson, issue of refund & credit policy:

The Swim Vault retains the right to not issue a refund, credit or make up lesson on the following instances (unless otherwise authorised):

  • In the event of absence of your regular instructor.
  • For any missed or unattended lessons (including absences due to illness, family / religious events, adverse weather conditions, travel disruptions or travel, holidays or school trips, other commitments).
  • In the event that your / your child’s lesson is cancelled. For instance, in the event where the pool water clarity is deteriorated due to foul/sickness in the pool & results in closure of the pool.
  • In the event of an unforeseen pandemic / infectious disease breakout
  • In the  event of an unforeseen circumstance, which results in the cancellation of the lesson/s, course/ term.
  • In the event an adult chaperone is not present during a virtual lesson.
  • In the event you provide less than two weeks notice for your / your childs withdrawal of application before the start of the forthcoming term (unless in an extenuating & exceptional circumstance).
  • Understanding that The Swim Vault retain the right to refuse entry & will not be liable or offer any refunds / credits / make up lessons if the pool rules & pool spectatorship rules are not adhered to by the swimmer and / or parent / guardian / carer, or if there is continued lateness of 3 times or more within a single term.
  • In the event of an emergency, classes may be required to be paused so the emergency can be dealt with for the health and safety of all. In such instances the duration in which the lessons have been paused, will not be made up or compensated.

Extenuating & exceptional circumstances:

  • The Swim Vault does not provide refunds, make up lesson/s or issue of credit/s. Upon extenuating / exceptional circumstances where the swimmer’s ability to continue with swimming lessons in a safe manner deteriorates due to a new / ongoing health issue, The Swim Vault reserves the right to request & to be provided with a medical letter from the swimmer’s GP / health care professional before starting / continuing with the swimmer’s lessons (this is to be provided at point of request and within the same term and therefore will not be accepted if provided at a future date/term/once the term has come to a close). In such instances, should The Swim Vault determine in its sole discretion that health concerns are such that the swimmer may not start / continue with their swimming lessons, a refund for the lessons which have been paid for but not taken will be issued excluding the non-refundable deposit.
  • The Swim Vault retains the right to not issue a refund/credit/make up lesson/s  if your booking is terminated  at any point during a term.

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